Packing lunches quickly becomes a dreaded chore when school starts in the fall.
Here are some ways to keep them interesting:
- A brown bag lunch should include a “main” such as a sandwich or soup (don’t forget to pack a spoon!), two snacks, seasonal fruit and vegetables, and a drink.
- If there is access to a microwave, pre-portion leftovers into glass storage containers for lunch the next day.
- Keep a stash of homemade loaves and cookies in the freezer to have on hand for lunches so you don’t have to resort to store bought snacks. Most convenient lunch box snacks are loaded with extra sugars, salt and preservatives so check the nutritional information before you buy them.
- Switch up the “bread” source for your sandwiches. Try using a bun, bagel, croissant, pita bread or tortilla.
- Time saver – Prepare lunches the night before. Let the kids help, and maybe even let them do it themselves. Just be sure to check that the lunches meet your requirements!
- Time saver – Think of 10 or more “mains” so you can put your lunches on a two-week rotation.
- If the school offers a healthy lunch menu, take advantage as your budget allows – maybe as a treat once every week or two.
- Cheese Sandwich
- Tuna Sandwich
- Egg Salad Sandwich
- Meat Sandwich (chicken, roast beef, ham, meatballs, meatloaf)
- Jelly sandwich
- Bagel with cream cheese
- Soup
- Chilli con carne
- Pizza Wraps
- Leftover Pizza
- Leftovers if microwave is available
- Salad
- Quesadilla
- Pancakes or waffles with jelly
- Cheese
- Sausage or pepperoni sticks
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Vegetables and dip – celery sticks, carrot sticks, sliced peppers, grape tomatoes
- Crackers
- Pretzels
- Hummus
- Banana Bread Perfected
- Zucchini Bread
- Pumpkin Bread
- Muffins
- Rice Krispie Square
- Puffed Wheat Square
- Cookies
- Yogurt (check the ingredients – some are loaded with extra sugar!)
- Granola bars (again, check the ingredients – some are loaded with extra sugar!!)
- Sesame Snacks
- Raisins
- Trail Mix
- Nuts
- Apples
- Bananas
- Easy peel oranges
- Grapes
- Pears
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Kiwi
- Melon
- Water
- Juice
- Milk
Lunchbox Food Safety Tips from Health Canada
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