Tips and Tricks for Dusting

Dusting the ceiling fan

Dusting is a simple household chore that cannot be left undone for too long. With the right techniques and tools it is done easily and efficiently. Fun (or maybe not so fun) facts about dust: Ways to reduce dust: Tools for dusting: Other helpful articles on cleaning: A clean house… Read more“Tips and Tricks for Dusting”

Living Room Cleaning

We sit and visit family and friends here. We relax and watch TV here. We curl up in a blanket with a good book here. Here is our living room. And to really enjoy it, it should be kept clean, organized and comfortable. Here are some cleaning ideas to help… Read more“Living Room Cleaning”

Laundry Room Cleaning

Your laundry room may be a closet, a nook or an actual room.  Regardless of its size, this list will help you keep it clean and organized. Washing machine Dryer  Iron You may also enjoy these articles: Dry-cleaning de-mystified Fresh as a daisy laundry tips Subscribe to Homemaking Jewels today.

Cleaning Your Coffee Maker

When your coffee maker becomes sluggish and water stops running through it, you don’t need to replace it, you just need to clean it.  Commercial cleaners will clean your coffee maker, but why not use something you already have at home? Vinegar. Here’s what you do: You may also enjoy… Read more“Cleaning Your Coffee Maker”

Entrance Cleaning


Your entrance is the first thing people see as they enter your home. It doesn’t need to be fancy, but there should be a place to hang their coat and put their shoes. Make your own all-purpose cleaner and glass cleaner to complete the cleaning tasks below. Things to do… Read more“Entrance Cleaning”

Kitchen Cleaning and Organizing

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where you cook, visit and entertain so it’s important to keep it clean and organized. You only need four household items to keep your kitchen clean – dish soap, vinegar, baking soda and bleach. The dish soap is an all-purpose cleaner… Read more“Kitchen Cleaning and Organizing”

Bathroom Cleaning

The bathroom is a busy room and it doesn’t take long for toothpaste spatters and soap scum to build up on the sink. And we all know what can happen to the toilet! Daily maintenance is something the whole family should help with. Rinse out the sink. Wipe down the… Read more“Bathroom Cleaning”

Spring Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning Caddy filled with cleaning supplies

Shubenacadie Sam predicted an early spring for the Maritimes, so let the spring cleaning begin!  Regardless of what the groundhog in your area predicted today, why not busy yourself with inside cleaning so when the weather gets nice you can head outdoors?  Oh my, I can’t wait! For the next… Read more“Spring Cleaning Schedule”