Garden Starter Plants

Tomato Starter Plants

Growing season on Prince Edward Island is short so I like to buy my tomato and pepper plants to ensure a good harvest.

Everything else (lettuce, radishes, carrots, onions, potatoes, peas, beans, corn, squash) generally grows well from seed planted directly in the garden.

This year I am trying something new – starting my own garden plants inside.

I have planted tomatoes, hot peppers and green peppers. I’ve also planted corn, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, butternut squash and cabbage.

After three weeks, almost everything has made an appearance – except the corn…

Here’s what you need:

Trays with holes for drainage; soil and compost; a watering can that will gently water the seeds without displacing them, a waterproof surface and sunlight.

This is what I did:

I mixed the soil and compost about 50/50 and added a bit of water to moisten. Then I filled the trays and planted the seeds as per package directions.

I added water to thoroughly moisten the soil and set the trays on window sills where they will get a lot of sunlight.

Be sure to check them every day and water if the soil is mostly dry. If the soil has some moisture, water the next day. The seeds need moisture to germinate, but too much moisture can be a bad thing.

The holes in the bottom of the trays will allow the water to run out if the soil is over saturated so be sure to have the trays on a water proof surface.

As the little plants start to come up, thin them out so there isn’t so many plants competing for nutrients and water. You want to produce strong plants that will endure a transplant later on.

Garden Starter Plants
Garden Starter Plants

I will keep you posted on how it goes!

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