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It was the fall of 2020 and bakeries on P.E.I. were struggling because of the Covid restrictions.
Sitting at home, unemployed and bored, Erin Davis had an idea.
“I love butter tarts. Let’s have a butter tart tour,” she said.
She started the Prince Edward Island Butter Tart Tour facebook page and reached out to bakeries across the island.
Shana Thornhill is a co-owner of Fat Cat Bakery in Charlottetown and was approached about the tour.
“I’ve never really made a butter tart before. Let’s give it a try,” Thornhill said. “And it was great. I love making them. They are tasty. There’s so much you can do with them.”

This is the second year for the tour. It is strictly a word-of-mouth event.
Winsloe Farm Market advertised it on its message board beside the highway, “Butter tart tour happening here.”

Cindy Cousineau is a baker at the market.
“Last year was amazing. I don’t know if it was as well talked about this year, but the sign helped.”
Thornhill agrees the butter tart tour has helped business.
“Tons of exposure. People love butter tarts.”
With or without raisins?
The market makes a variety of butter tarts, but Cousineau said butter tarts without raisins are more popular.
“I sell the most with no raisins.”

The classic butter tart with plain filling is the one her customers prefer most, but she makes toasted pecan and raisin butter tarts as well, Thornhill said.
“We definitely have customers who love them with raisins. I make a variety to please everyone,” she said.
Is there a secret ingredient?
“There is one secret ingredient,” said Cousineau.
They like to make a gooey butter tart, she said.
Thornhill’s secret ingredient is love.
“We do everything, including the butter tarts, by hand from scratch here in the bakery. We don’t use premade crusts or fillings. It’s all made with love.”

Here is my mom’s recipe for butter tarts. They really are a delicious treat!