Shubenacadie Sam predicted an early spring for the Maritimes, so let the spring cleaning begin! Regardless of what the groundhog in your area predicted today, why not busy yourself with inside cleaning so when the weather gets nice you can head outdoors? Oh my, I can’t wait!

For the next few weeks, I will take you through the house detail cleaning one room per week. In eight weeks, we’ll be all done our Spring cleaning! Yay!
As we work through each room, be sure to keep the 3 M’s of Homemaking and Guidelines for Cleaning in mind.
Spring Cleaning Schedule
- Week 1: Bathroom(s)
- Week 2: Kitchen
- Week 3: Bedroom(s)
- Week 4: Entrance/hallway
- Week 5: Laundry room
- Week 6: Living room
- Week 7: Office
- Week 8: Dining room
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I will jump into it when we return though bedrooms had a good go because of rotating house guests so there was major clean in between each set….