“The secret of surviving housework is simply to do it. Pull the plug on the part of your brain that always wants to negotiate everything. You need to change a diaper, rinse a bottle, clean a spill, fluff a pillow? Consider it done. It’s a no-brainer. End of conversation. End of story.
Veronique Vienne
Not postponing chores-and not spending any mental energy equivocating, temporizing, or stalling-is actually a lot more restful than worrying about what needs to be done.”
When it comes to housework do you postpone or procrastinate when something needs to be done?
I am guilty of this sometimes. Especially when I’m not sure how to do something or I feel overwhelmed. But, for the most part I have learned the most stress-free way to deal with housework is to “just do it”. Then that chore is off my list of things to do.
What if you feel like there is just too much to do? It can be paralyzing. But take it from someone who knows, you can still get it done.
How to get housework done
- Decide that you are going to do it.
- Make a list and prioritize it.
- Break your list down into doable tasks.
- Get other people in your family to help you.
- As you complete each task, you will be motivated to keep going.
- Once you do a task, make sure you and your family members maintain it. Did you organize a closet? Did you get caught up on the laundry? Did you get the dishes washed, dried and put away? Get your family on board so they all help with keeping things tidy and organized.
- Assign age appropriate tasks to each family member such as taking the garbage out, taking turns washing and drying dishes, sweeping the floor, tidying and shining the bathroom, making supper, making lunches the night before, finishing the laundry and putting it away before bedtime. Here is a good read on age-appropriate chores for your kids
- Follow up on the assigned tasks. You may meet some resistance at first and feel like you should just do it yourself. Don’t give in! Eventually they will learn this is just something they do.
Just out these helpful posts:
A clean house is good for your mental health
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