When you smell these soft, spiced hermit cookies baking in the oven your memory will take you back to Nana’s kitchen. You may also enjoy these cookies: Auntie Linda’s Oatmeal Coconut Cookies Ranger Cookies Subscribe to Homemaking Jewels today.
Simply making your house your home
The kitchen smells like autumn when this bread is baking. Loaded with flavour and texture, zucchini bread is a favourite with family and friends. Make ahead and freeze. A great addition to a brown bag lunch. In the fall, I freeze shredded zucchini in two-cup portions so I can make… Read more“Zucchini Bread”
“Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.” ~Jane Austen There really is nothing like the smell of an apple pie baking in the oven. The house fills with a warm aroma of apples and spices, and bids anyone who enters, “Welcome!” If you are looking for the perfect… Read more“Traditional Apple Pie”
As children, these cookies were a favorite for me and my sisters. When we would visit Nana and Grandpa’s, sometimes Auntie Linda would have made up a batch of these and we all loved them. They are sure to become a family favorite for you too! INGREDIENTS: ½ cup Butter… Read more“Auntie Linda’s Oatmeal Coconut Cookies”
An Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookie Sugar cookies are a love ’em or hate ’em kind of thing for me. It is very seldom I come across a sugar cookie I like, and then to make them? I’m not generally one to roll dough and cut out shapes and then decorate. True… Read more“Silver Dollar Sugar Cookies”